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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just Go With It & Limitless Movie Review

 Just Go With It Movie Review;

As usual, Jennifer Aniston; one of my fav actress, did great in the movie.
Its a pretty typical storlyline i'd say but its definately worth the watch. Plus, with Adam Sandler in the cast, you'll know you're for some laughs or at least sarcasms.

Limitless Movie Review;

Very good watch, definately not the usual everyday movie you see. A pill that does wonders to a human life. Bradly Cooper is as charming as always. He also spoke mandarin in the end, very impressive. Ofcourse, it wasnt that fluent but you could catch what he is saying if you listen carefully. Glad I watched it, this new movie have been having tonss of good reviews.

Now, i would like to point out something. Watch the trailer and after you watch the movie, you'll know that they did a couple of 'error'.

When he asks the price of the house, the woman answers 12.5 million. However, in the theaters that you'll be watching it in- she said 8.5 million.
Secondly, the scene where he looks outside and his girl asks 'What are you doing, hun? Feel like someone's watching?', in the Trailer below that scene obviously clear its during daylight.
But then again, in the theaters its evening/ night.

p/s; now where can i get some NTZ ;)

Well, i hope now you know what movie is hot and a must/should watch . Enjoy! :)

s Mermaid;

1 comment:

  1. I loved this movie! I watched it a few minutes ago and it was great! Just Go With It has some of my favorite actors, such as Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman. They were the ones who make me laugh the most! I am going to be seeing this movie again very soon for sure. I just finished watching it on DISH Online and it was great. I love DISH Online because it lets me watch all kinds of TV shows and movies whenever I want! As a customer and employee of DISH Network, I have been using DISH Online for a long time and it is great! I encourage anyone and everyone to take a look at to see what I am talking about! It has something for everyone, whether you’re a customer or not!


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